Monday, December 30, 2019
What You Need to Know Before Changing Careers
What You Need to Know Before Changing Careers What You Need to Know Before Changing Careers Of course, todays workplace has changed. Nowadays, it is rare to find an employee who retires after 40 years with a gold watch, and most people find that staying with one company for their entire working career doesnt make good business sense. It gets boring and stale, and it leaves employees with limited chance for growth and upward mobility.bedrngnis only are Americans braver about switching companies, we are also becoming bolder about changing careers as well. While the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) doesnt specifically track data regarding how often people change careers, it is estimated that the average American changes career paths around seven times in his/zu sich lifetime.In fact, with the New Year just passing, many Americans are eagerly planning career changes and brainstorming ways to enhance their professional lives. However, there are some things you should consider before chang ing careers. Think about the followingAsk yourself why you want to change careers. Is it because you are frustrated and bored in your current position, or is it because your chosen industry no longer stimulates you? If its the former, perhaps you would be better off asking your boss for new responsibilities, or even looking for open positions in your field. However, it if it is the latter, dont waste anymore time stuck in a career that isnt for you. You have options, and chances are, many of your talents and skills will be applicable in another field as well, whether you are a teacher who is interested in getting into writing or a lawyer who wants to become a social worker.Be realistic. Do your research and find out whether your dream position will be suitable for your lifestyle and your financial needs. Consider your current bills and expenditures, and then look online to find the average salary for the new career you are considering.Network with people who have the career you desi re. Join a networking group that will connect you with people who are working in the field you are considering. Pick their brain and find out what they love about their work and also what they find difficult. Ask if they know of any intern positions or volunteer positions that will allow you to get hands-on training while deciding if the career change is right for you.Consider using a staffing agency. One great way to gain experience and try out numerous different types of positions is through a staffing agency. Not only are staffing agencies, such as Addison Group, great for when you need temporary work or want to prevent holes in your resume, but they also give you the opportunity to try numerous different positions with multiple firms in order to find out what environment and career is best for you.The bottom line is that if you dont like your current career, you arent stuck with it simply because you have experience and education in that field. You can apply your skills and your strengths to a new career path, provided you are willing to do the work and get outside of your comfort zone. Its never too late to try something new you never know what the future has in store in for you
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Common Challenges New Interns Face
The Common Challenges New Interns FaceThe Common Challenges New Interns FaceAfter doing your homework and researching employers, submitting a well-written professional resume and cover letter, and maintaining a proactive approach to the internship process, youve landed what seems to be the perfect internship for the summer. Like most interns, you are ready to start gaining professional experience, but the first day on the job can be frustrating if your expectations are not met. Heres how to sustain professional competence and ensure your internship is valuable and enjoyable. Take a Rational Approach to Problems The learning curve associated with a new job is steep, and there will inevitably be mishaps early in the process. Learn to ask questions, take a logical approach to any situation, and not to jump to conclusions or take anything personally as you attempt to resolve concerns. Here are some common challenges interns face during the first few weeks on the job. Problem 1 Bei ng Assigned All of the Grunt Work First, remember that you must pay your dues as an intern to eventually get the full-time job of your dreams. There is a lot to learn about the organization, its people, its mission, and the clientele it serves, and much of that learning takes place while doing the run-of-the-mill work. SOLUTION By changing your perspective of menial tasks, you may turn a disadvantageous situation into one of advantage. For example, while making the coffee you might make interesting acquaintances. While filing documents, you can learn mora about company operations. Problem 2 You Have Not Been Compensated for Your Work You may have been offered $15 per hour but notice you are only receiving $10 per hour in your weekly paycheck. Or, promised reimbursement for transportation or food has not been proferred after two or three weeks. If either of these or a similar situation are the case, it is important to find out what may be the problem before you become dishearten ed and your attitude is affected. No one will blame you for checking on compensation or reimbursement. SOLUTIONIf you were assigned to an HR representative during your onboarding, contact them and find out why you are not receiving the compensation you expected. If you do not have an HR contact, talk to your immediate supervisor or the person who you were in contact with when you were hired. Problem 3 You Feel Overwhelmed and Unable to Perform to the Best of Your Ability It is not unusual for interns to feel overwhelmed, and many are certainly given a heavy load with minimal training. Persevere in the early stages, and give yourself some time to come up to speed. If you feel pressured by your supervisor, explain that you want to take the time necessary to do a good job and minimize mistakes. However, if the discomfort is persistent, and you do not feel that things are getting any easier, you might want to reconsider if the internship is worth continuing. SOLUTIONSeek a second op inion from other interns, a colleague at work, or someone who you trust to give you a good perspective. It might be that you are being too hard on yourself and that you are performing just fine. It might be that your employer has unreasonable demands. If you suspect the latter, talk to your supervisor about their expectations and for feedback on your performance. Although difficult, a frank discussion about performance and expectations shows maturity. Learning to be comfortable in this situation will stand you in good stead for future performance conversations. Problem 4 You Receive Little to No Feedback Regular evaluations are vital for all employees, but particularly for interns and entry-level candidates. Employees need to know if they are doing a good job or if something needs to change. Many employers overlook the need for feedback, which places the onus on you to seek it out. SOLUTIONIf you receive little or no feedback, ask your supervisor if you are performing adequately . It could be a casual question over coffeeif you feel more comfortable with a less formal setting. This approach allows your supervisor to be less guarded about having overlooked the need to tell you how you are doing. You can also glean insights by asking your supervisors advice about certain work-related subjects such as how you should handle situation A, B, and C. Many challenges that you will face in the workplace are associated with approaching problems and other people in an appropriate way problems can seem insurmountable, and people can seem unreasonable. Learn this, and you learn the hardest lesson of all.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Overcoming Negative Thoughts During Your Job Search
Overcoming Negative Thoughts During Your Job SearchOvercoming Negative Thoughts During Your Job Search4Confident candidates grab the attention of hiring managers. Unfortunately, job seeking often takes a toll on the mindset of even the most upbeat applicants, and overcoming negative thoughts can be a challenge. Negative feelings about the process can create a vibe of self-doubt, which repels employers and sabotages chances of landing a coveted position.What can a job seeker do when the stress of job hunting rears its ugly head and inadvertently jeopardizes success?Certified life coach Ora Nadrich, author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever, offers this four-step strategy for regaining control and overcoming negative thoughts1. Acknowledge the stress.Recognize its existence, even if its upsetting. Dont deny it or try to push it away. Admit youre feeling stress about looking for a job, and accept that youre having those negative thoughts.Doing so a llows you to focus on what is happening in the now, which is actual and real, instead of focusing on the emotions surrounding the thoughts.2. Shift into observer mode.Shift gears out of reactive mode into observer mode. In reactive mode, you have no distance from your own negative thoughts.But in observer mode, you turn into a witness that is separated and independent from those thoughts. Then youre in a position to ask yourself questions to help get calm and grounded.3. Ask that negative thought, Says who?You are demanding that thought reveal who is responsible for it. In other words, how did it get in your mind? Once you find out, you can decide what to do about it. Is it your original thought, or was it someone elses that you took as your own?You may even discover it is an old thought that has become part of your core beliefs, and now its time to challenge it and let it go. Say youre always thinking,Im never going to find the right job. Asking, Says who?really means Why am I sayi ng that Im never going to find the right job?Then go one step further. Ask yourself, Isit me? If so, why would I think a thought that makes me feel insecure or doubt myself?4. Continue the questioning process.The next questions after Says who? further challenge those negative thoughts. Asking,Have I heard someone say this thought before? helps youfind out if the negative thought is your opinion or someone elses.Asking, Do I like this thought? gives you license to consider whether its a thought worth keeping. And questions such as Does this thought work for me? can help you transform that negative thought into something positive and life-affirming.Thats the kind of thought thatwill help you feel good about yourself so you can venture forth to find a job that is right for you and well deserved.Browse the Latest Job ListingsReaders, how do you get through overcoming negative thoughts in your job search? Share your tips below
Monday, December 16, 2019
How to design your day to be super productive
How to design your day to be super productiveHow to design your day to be super productiveHow you design your day can impact your mood, productivity, and general wellbeing. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that these decisions must bepersonal.Whats best for your bodys natural rhythms might differ greatly from mine.As author Gretchen Rubin writes inone of my favorite books of hers, To shape our habits successfully, we must know ourselves. We are all unique, and while I believe that bringing mindful intention to how we structure our workday can be helpful for all of us, how you end up structuring it should be entirely based on what feels best for you.abflug the day beforeI like to get departureed the day before especially on Sunday nights when looking at the week ahead. I sit down with myLifeTracker Plannerand review my biggest meetings, events, and deliverables for the week ahead.Midweek I do the same, taking special note of any meetings that I have the next day, which I almost always schedule for the afternoon. This allows me to preserve the mornings for the hardest work I do creating original content like this blog post and podcast, writing reports or preparingworkshopsfor my corporate clients, or preparing for an upcomingBossed Up Bootcamp.Ive found mornings to be the best times for my productivity and creativity, so I do my best to schedule whatever calls and meetings need to happen the next day for the afternoon.Set a 1 priorityEvery day I look at all the items on my TO-DO list in myplanner, and come up with my number-one top priority. Whats the most urgent thing that needs to get done today? Or whats the biggest, most complex problem I need to solve today? Thats where I begin.I try to capitalize onthe fresh start effectat the beginning of the day and tackle the biggest challenges Im facing first, but Ill admit it it doesnt always work. As something of a recovering perfectionist, I have to resist the temptation to procrastinate because I don t feel 100% ready to start. I try to dive in head first to take on the top priority of the day right away. Sometimes that means asking for help from my advisors, peers, or mentors, when Im feeling unsure of myself or stuck.Delegate firstThis brings me to another strategy I picked up from one of my first managers and have found to be incredibly helpful over the years make sure youre not being a bottleneck. At the start of each day, I look at my TO DO list and look for opportunities for delegation. Do I need to get my tax accountant an updated profit loss statement for them to prepare my quarterly tax payments? Must I record a podcast introduction to get it to my Production Assistant Kirby and our editor so they can finalize that episode? Should I hop on the phone quickly with an incoming featured trainer forBossed Up Bootcampin order to give her the information she needs to get me the materials I need to feature her?WheneverIam the bottleneck thats holding a project up from moving f orward, I aim to prioritize those items and give others the tools they need to help me get stuff done. That also means giving my team members whatever they need to get them up and running on their work, too. Delegate first and its like youre multiplying your productivity.Embrace productive procrastinationIm far from perfect when it comes to being a task-master whosalwayson top of things. But Ive learned over the years not to beat myself up when I catch myself procrastinating. Instead, I try to give myself permission to be a productive procrastinator.For instance, when I catch myself mindlessly scrolling through social media, I can recognize that clearly my brain needs a break. Instead of beating myself up about it and trying to force myself back into worker bee mode, I get up and clean my kitchen, do a load of laundry, or call my mom. Maybe Ill get inspired to make the bed or get dinner going in the slow cooker. I consider these chores a form of productive procrastination a way to a voidrealworkand give my brain a break while still getting things done.Now I recognize that a lot of this is what comes with the privilege of working from home most days (when Im not on the road for days on end), but this can apply to others, too. Get up from your desk and make that doctors appointment youve been meaning to. Call your relatives you know you should check in with more anyway. Start planning your upcoming vacation. Whatever it is, productive procrastination is going to leave you feeling more energized and less guilty about avoiding work than the more mindless, passive forms of procrastination.Motivate with evening plansFinally, Im the kind of person who could easily accidentally keep working late into the evening most nights. In fact, when Brad has a big project or deadline hes working towards, we both go through those phases and regularly eat dinner at 9 pm in our house as a result. But one way Ive found to curb my endless workday habit is to schedule fun evening plans as much as I can.Earlier this year I wrote about the joy of midweek dinner dates with friends, which I try to make happen as often as possible. Otherwise, I try to get industry happy hours and other weeknight events on my calendar to get my eyes off screens and actually converse with other human beings at the end of the day.When Ive got something fun on the docket in the evening, itmajorlyboosts my productivity between the hours of 4pm and 6pm than my usual end-of-day slog.This article was originally published on BossedUp.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
How Stores Make You Spend More During Holidays
How Stores Make You Spend More During HolidaysHow Stores Make You Spend More During HolidaysThe holidays are here. Its the most expensive time of the year for many people, and after theyve bought gifts for kids, family members, friends, white elephant exchanges, New Year celebrations, and even schoolteachers, theyre left with a crater-sized hole in their savings- or a massive credit card bill. You may think this is because its the season of buying, but retailers make it even harder on shoppers wallets by employing a cavalcade of tricks and techniques to get them spending with abandon. Using Deceptive Sale and Clearance Pricing This time of year is tough on peoples wallets. The retailers know it, and they want to take advantage of shoppers bargain-hunting sensibilities. After all, when youre buying gifts by the cartload, money is on the top of your mind. So when you landsee a sweater for $19.99, with was $39.99 above it, you think its a great deal, however, it is leid. Your brain is wired to enjoy getting something for bedrngnishing, or way less than what other people are paying. An identical sweater with a $19.99 tag that is not on sale wont sell as well. Its the same sweater, at the same price, but it is not seen as a deal. Recently, stores including JC Penney, Kohls, Macys, and Sears were all sued over the deceptive practice of marking up the retail price of merchandise just to mark it down again. Therefore, dont assume the before-and-after prices are real. Chances are that sweater has been $19.99 all year. Designing the Store Layout to Maximize Profit Retailers spend millions of dollars researching and refining the layouts of their stores, all with the goal of getting the most profitable items in your shopping cart. For instance, you can bet that the products placed at eye level on the shelves are those that give the highest profit margin to the store by contrast, if you have to bend down or ask for assistance to reach a product, its probably not as profitable. Another strategy revolves around the fact that most people are right-handed- over 88%- and thus will reach for items with our right hands. So youll see eye-catching displays to the right of the store entrance, offering high-margin products, or items they want to get rid of quickly. If you want to avoid falling into either of unterstellung traps, go against the flow. Veer left, and look to the top and bottom of the shelves where youll find better deals. Ending Almost Every Price With a 9 The difference between $199.99 and $200 is not just one cent. Its a psychological trick that somehow makes the first price a lot more attractive than the second. Psychologists believe that, as consumers, people pay much more attention to the dollars than the cents. Also, specifically, people tend to focus on the first digit in the price. If the digit is a 1, then it is seen as less than 2, even if the difference is one cent. However, the second it jumps into the $200 category, the pr ice is viewed between $200 and $300. That appears to be a significant jump in price, even though on paper its only a one-cent increase. Therefore, look carefully at the prices, and mentally note your $199.99 purchase as over $200. It will be a higher price after tax, except in a few states. Feeling in the Mood to Spend During the holidays, you are going to be overloaded with the smells, sights, and sounds that get you into a festive spirit where you are in the mood to give gifts and, therefore, spend more. You feel at home in the store if youre listening to holiday music, smelling cinnamon and apple pie, and seeing bright red, green, and other cheerful colors. When you are relaxed and enjoying the store experience, you are more likely to take your time to browseand buy. Interestingly, retailers also use this technique when they want you out quickly. For instance, when fast-food restaurants are experiencing a rush, theyll switch up the festive music for something more aggressive and increase the volume. Dont be fooled by the sensory overload. Make a list, get in, get out, and be on your way. Finding That Specially-Packaged giftstoff Sets and Bundles Will Cost You More The stores love putting together special holiday gift sets and packages. Theyve done the hard work for you, and you can get a great present or a hamper of food items in one fell swoop. But theres a catch Youll discover that you are not getting value for your money. The bundled items and gift sets are usually more expensive than buying the items individually. Plus, the packages are bulked up to make them appear like they contain more than they actually do, and you are purchasing space and filler that looks impressive. Dont get these gift sets unless you are sure youre getting a deal. Placing Lower-Priced Merchandise Next to Expensive Items This is a classic move by the retailer to get you to compare and contrast something that looks similar but is in fact very different at the core. For instance, you may see two TVs next to each other. Both 60, both smart, and both offering HD. However, one is $1000 more than the other one. Well, look again. Maybe the higher-priced TV is from a manufacturer known for better entwurf and quality. Or perhaps the HD on one TV is 720p versus 4K on the expensive one. The stores are actually charging more for the cheaper TV than youd see in other places, but by putting it next to a similar, higher-priced model, it looks like a steal. Offering Double-Up Deals That You Dont Need Whether its buy one, get one free or something similar, the main driver of these deals is ?afalse economy. You see a great pair of jeans at $35. Also, if you buy a second pair, the price is $50, meaning you get a second pair for only $15, or each pair costs only $25. If this didnt appear to be an attractive deal, you likely would not have spent money on that second pair of jeans. In addition, other stores may be regularly selling those same jeans for $25. There fore, be wary of double deals, as you may be spending more than you intended. Providing Easy Credit Options Retailers know many Americans are feeling the pinch a little more these days. But they dont want that little fact to get in the way of their profit margins. They know you may not have the money to pay for something now, but theyre willing to offer you thousands of dollars in credit, spreading the payments over 18 months without any interest. Of course, theres usually a catch. The big one If you dont pay off that card in the interest-free period, all the interest you would have accrued on it is now added on. Many people get stuck in the credit card trap around this time of year. If you really want something, consider a layaway plan, or finding a way to pay. But dont charge everything to a credit card or use the store credit option if youre not sure you can pay. Sooner or later, the debt comes due. Discovering That Real Clearance Items Are Harder to Find Most stores, esp ecially large retailers such as Target and Walmart, have certain aisles and endcaps devoted to sale and clearance items. But when December rolls around, those clearance areas become harder to find. This is the season of giving when stores know that you will pay full price. Thats not to say you wont be able to find a few bargains, however, you will have to do a bit more digging to find them. Offering Customers Incentives to Buy Retailers look for other ways to get shoppers to spend money. They may offer free gifts with certain purchases. For example, if you spend a certain amount of money at a makeup counter, the store will give you a free gift such as a cosmetic or grooming kit. Without the free offer, you would not have been as willing to spend that amount of money. Other incentives to spend money include offers of store coupons and discounts. Remembering the Good Old Days Most people only remember the good times around the holidays. Overall, they tend to look back in fondn ess on the holiday season as a time of cheer, love, and giving. Stores tap into that through messages of classic films and songs. They will display iconic images of Norman Rockwell Americana, and give you the feeling of belonging. When youre nostalgic, youre happy. And when youre happy, you spend more. Now, dont let any of this put you off the holiday shopping season. Stores are not inherently evil. They are simply taking advantage of techniques that are known to increase sales, and keep their own employees in work. Just come armed with the knowledge to save you from these ingenious tricks, and youll be able to enjoy the holidays without spending too much.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Buying Cna Job Description Resume
Buying Cna Job Description Resume The person that youre caring for does leid have the capability to take care of him or herself, so they will not have the capacity to deal with their immediate environment either. Some individuals are simply visual in nature and will need to see something so as to get an understanding about it. Ignoring a task might be life threatening to a patient and may lead to your losing your work or just a lawsuit. Our Sample Resumes below are guaranteed to aid you in getting that job in the hospital youve been dreaming of. Applying for a job is never a simple job. Training is largely done at work. Cna Job Description Resume Ideas A superb job description includes an extensive list that covers the majority of the responsibilities that a CNA can count on. Being a nurse might not be among the highest paid jobs, but it is absolutely a rewarding career. In any event, a certified nursing assistant job can be an excellent choice. There are a lot of jobs o ut there for certified nursing assistant. Its stress-free, not risk-free While there are numerous wonderful advantages to studying online, you want to be careful to prevent any pitfalls. Have no worries, below you can get a search tool that will help you find CNA jobs locally. Hands-on skills cant be learned online, and based on which state you are living in, only the theoretical portion of your education can be done online or none whatsoever. When you submit an application for work in person, you might be requested to complete a paper application. The Fundamentals of Cna Job Description Resume Revealed If for instance you are trying to find a professional position you should select a resume format sample that depicts an expert quality. Before beginning writing a resume, youll need to check whether the functional or chronological format can do the work right for you. If you take a look at sample resumes online, you will observe dozens of unique formats and resume templates. To pick the correct resume format sample is dependent on which kind of position you are trying to get. The absolute most important thing to keep in mind is that you have to protect the customer at all price. Its not possible to list everything in a work description. Right after that things improved and I learnt that its important to speak up about things which are bothering you. It can be exponentially valuable to understand what type of steps that you ought to take. The 30-Second Trick for Cna Job Description Resume You wont require a degree as a way to become a CNA, but you are going to want to make a certificate and pass a competency exam. The duration of training depends upon the program. CNA duties and obligations are really wide ranging. Its um ein haar and simple to use. All About Cna Job Description Resume Nurse assistants whove been certified to practice may also be to blame for helping patients who arent able to walk as a result of severe nature of their hea lth care condition to move around. Certified nurse aides also look after the cleanliness of the health care equipments and also guarantee that they are correctly sterilized. Training can hone skills in many locations, including how to cope with patients in several problems. Registered nurses compose the biggest occupation in the healthcare profession. A career as a CNA may be an exceptional entry-level place to obtain real-life nursing experience. Before you attempt to develop into a CNA, you must ensure youve got the suitable education. To learn more on what it requires to be a CNA, take a look at our complete CNA Job Description. The CNA needs to be compassionate and patient whilst working and have to be knowledgeable enough about the job. Youre able to work as an LPN or RN when working on your CNA degree which permits you to get to understand your upcoming career even better. The CNA career path can be quite rewarding. A good CNA should have empathy for different people and a great CNA should additionally not be squeamish If youre a professional CNA, start with your latest job and work backwards. Proceed to the sample registered nurse resume Include an expert nursing cover letter with your work application. The work description for cna may also get more specific based on the field of working. In the end, hopefully you succeed in getting your fantasy job. For instance the nurse may need to help the adult to bring a shower or maybe to change his clothes. Choosing Cna Job Description Resume Is Simple Its quick together with straightforward to use. You are able to download and edit depending on your experience and techniques. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Get-It-Together Guide for Figuring Out What to Do With Your Life
The Get-It-Together Guide for Figuring Out What to Do With Yur Life The Zuckerbergs, the Oprahs, the Gateses theyre the usual suspects who pop up in discussions about success. Theyve rightfully earned their statuses as hallowed gods in the pantheon of achievers, and we love to parse their stories,sleeping habits,and breakfast choices for clues about how they did it.But industry giants arent the only ones worthy of analysis. From photographers and video game designers to food scientists and sports journalists, theres a vast body of peoplewhove made careers out of whatexcitesthem. These individuals share something in common and Roadtrip Nation has spent 15 years interviewing professionals of every kind to find out what that something is.Roadtrip Nationstarted when fresh-out-of-college grads Nathan Gebhard, Brian McAllister, and Mike Marriner hit the road in a beat-up R.V. to talk to people who had forged livelihoodsdoing what they love. More than a de cade later, it has grown into a long-running PBS series, an educational organization, and a movement of people committed to living lives true to their interests.So, whatdid Roadtrip Nationfind? Its not amagical five-step method for success you can read in a listicle. Its not an anchoring life principle. Its not an acronym you can learn at a workshop. And frankly, if you study the lives of the thousands theyve talked to from Supreme Court justices to lobstermen their decisions look starkly different.But thereisa common approach that ties together their journeys a process of self-construction thats allowed them toavoid dreading Mondaysand create satisfying careers centered on their interests, values, and vision.The Roadtrip Nation cofounders outline this approach from their new book,Roadmap The Get-It-Together Guide for Figuring Out What to Do with Your Life, so you, too, can adopt it.Let Go of Misaligned Ideas About YourselfFrom the moment we enter the world, expectations from fami ly, friends, and society are piled onto us. These build up to form boundaries around our dreams. From advertisements that show us what to strive for to our educations that prescribe narrow choices and our moms well-meaning advice that reflects their owndesires more than ours, were constantly showered with other peoples visions of success.These ideas about who we should be and what we should do tend to worm into our brains, overpowering our internal aspirations. Soon, we find ourselves careening down paths that arent our choosing, and decades can fly by before we realize were living someone elses life.So, how do you seize control? Study yourself. Ask questions about where youre headed and why things likeAm I here because of my own choices or others wishes? Am I engaged in my work or living for the weekend? Am I being true to myself?If the answers to these questions are alarming, its time to tune out others dictates and start listening to your own needs.Define What Success Means to Y ou.We live in an era when its common to tirelessly document your every move, crop out the imperfections, and share these cleaned-up momentswith the world for approval. Its no wonder were trapped in the snare of external validation, making decisions based on how theyll appear to others on Facebook.Theres nothing wrong with wanting the cars, vacations, and promotions we can flaunt on social media. The problem is when we measure success by these superficial trappings ignore the work we had to do to acquire them.The people who find authentic happiness look beyond societys one-size-fits-all view of success and define it for themselves. How do you do this? By distancing yourself from the envy-inducing pressure cooker of social media and the hectic motions of the daily grind. Think about what matters to you when all of thatis stripped away.Break your vision of success into categories What does success mean to you financially? With family? At work? Your priority could be financial stability , spending time with loved ones, or the ability to work for yourself. Identifying these core motivations will help you dismiss paths that are incongruent with your values and find ones that fit.AcceptThat Youll Keep ChangingThings that satisfy at 25 probably wont satisfy at 45. Time marches on, and priorities shift as we move into new life stages. So even if you find that one thing that grips you, its bound to evolve and with the pace of job change, it might not exist in the same form in the future.As these waves of change approach you, you have to move like a surfer. Dont fight it. Ride it and make constant adjustments to stay on your feet. If youre consistently exploring areas that interest you and expanding your skills in lateral directions, you wont just tackle whats thrown your way youll avoid stagnancy when youve outgrown something.Its easier than ever to curate your own platzdeckchen of capacities to stay relevant to the world and yourself. Take an online class, watch a You Tube tutorial, join a Meetup of people with similar interests, or just follow someone on Twitter who inspires you.Ultimately, by shedding pressures,defining what you truly want,and courting change, youll be able to stay on a path thats true to who you are and who youre becoming.A version of this article originally appeared on 15 years, Roadtrip Nation has been talking with professionals of every kind and asking the questions that no one is asking honest questions about their struggles, successes, and how they solvedout the age-old problem, What should I do with my life?From video game designers to lawyers, sports journalists to STEM professionals and everything in between, Roadtrip Nation has sought out untold stories and shared them. These stories form the basis of itscareer-exploration products including an educational curriculum, personalized online tools, video content, bestselling books, and live events. Together, these tools create a diverse and relevant col lection of resources showing young people the vast scope of careers and possibilities.
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